Sunday, March 10, 2013

Test Tank

Single Stage Intruder

Senyo articulated shank
Senyo intruder wire
eyes of your choice
Chart. uv polar chenille
Kingfisher blue arctic fox
Black marabou
Spey hackle (blue burnt ostrich herls) 6ea
Black cross cut rabbit

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hook: size 2 trailer, down eye sacrificial front hook
15lb braid with 3 micro red beads between trailer and front hook
Tail: zonker cut olive rabbit (black)
Body: pearl braid, uv olive brown and uv olive polar chenille (uv black and uv pearl)
Collar: grizzly died dark olive schlappen (natural grizzly schlappen)
Head: cross cut olive rabbit (black)   

Monday, February 25, 2013

King Salmon Delight

I have been working on a few King Salmon patterns this winter. These color combinations seems to be the "ticket" most of the time.

It's a sickness

Tying is more than a hobby for most of us, IT IS A SICKNESS!!!!! How can you tell which one it is, just ask yourself this. Do I spend more on tying material than I do food each month? If the answer is yes then you have a sickness. There is no known medication to help you with this sickness. The only thing I have come up with to ease the insanity is simple, GO FISHING!!!!!