Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hook: size 2 trailer, down eye sacrificial front hook
15lb braid with 3 micro red beads between trailer and front hook
Tail: zonker cut olive rabbit (black)
Body: pearl braid, uv olive brown and uv olive polar chenille (uv black and uv pearl)
Collar: grizzly died dark olive schlappen (natural grizzly schlappen)
Head: cross cut olive rabbit (black)   

Monday, February 25, 2013

King Salmon Delight

I have been working on a few King Salmon patterns this winter. These color combinations seems to be the "ticket" most of the time.

It's a sickness

Tying is more than a hobby for most of us, IT IS A SICKNESS!!!!! How can you tell which one it is, just ask yourself this. Do I spend more on tying material than I do food each month? If the answer is yes then you have a sickness. There is no known medication to help you with this sickness. The only thing I have come up with to ease the insanity is simple, GO FISHING!!!!!